Wednesday 8 May 2013

The best apple crumble

Today I thought I would share with you one of my favourite desserts, Apple crumble. This recipe is a family recipe and I grew up loving it. I have simply modified it to make it wheat, dairy and soy free, please note the variations underneath the recipe.  Here is the recipe:

Apple Crumble

  •         One tin of pie apple or
  •      8 apples, peeled, sliced and cooked (Can use ¼ cup of castor sugar and 1 tsp. cinnamon when cooking apples to add extra flavour).

Crumble Topping
  •       1 cup brown sugar
  •     1 cup rolled oats
  •      1 cup plain flour
  •      200g butter- melted
  •      1 tsp. cinnamon
  •      ½ cup coconut

  1.  Pre heat oven to 180° c. Place apples in a pie dish and spread out evenly.
  2. Mix together the dry ingredients. Then add melted butter until combined.
  3. Spread out crumble over the apples, using a fork to push the crumble down and ensure it is evenly distributed.
  4. Cook for approximately 30 minutes or until golden brown.

Wheat Free Variation:
-       Replace the plain flour for a gluten free plain flour.

Dairy Free Variation:
-       Use 125g of dairy free margarine instead of butter


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