Monday, 6 May 2013

Some basics

About two and a half years ago my beautiful daughter was born. A few months later we discovered she had a dairy and soy protein allergy. At the time I was still breast feeding and because of her allergy I had to cut out dairy and soy. Soon after this I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and the only thing that made me feel better was to cut out wheat from my diet. So began my journey... what on earth I could actually feed my family!

Since then I have made many discoveries and decided it was about time that I shared them, so here goes...

Some basics:

Most ingredients from 'normal' cooking can be substituted to something else which make it dairy/ wheat or soy free. Below is a list of some basic substitutions.

Dairy and soy free:

Milk- the best option here is either rice milk or coconut milk
Butter/ margarine: nuttlex (dairy free spread)- this comes in several different varieties, my personal preference is the blue one. Another substitute is lard, which I am yet to try out. I do know that lard is often used in pastry.
Cream- when in cooking I usually just use rice milk


Flour- I have tried making my own flours but now because of convenience I resort to a pre mixed gluten free flour. The best flour I have found it the white wings gluten free flour, however the downside to this is the price. At $6 for a kilo it's just a little bit to expensive. So I usually use the Woolworth Macro brand gluten free flour mix. Both these brands of flours are also dairy and soy free.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Sarah! I'm sure this will be a useful resource for others in your situation.
